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Monthly Archives: May 2022

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What to do if your child is in a school bus accident

When classes are in session, some parents often put kids on school buses, leaving them in the hands of others. They pray the adults in charge know how to keep their little ones safe. Receiving a call about a school bus accident is a nightmare… Read more

Why are warning labels important?

You see them so often on the products you use that you hardly recognize them anymore. The orange labels with the word, “WARNING” in large, bolded letters. Federal regulation, yes, but are they really necessary? The reality is, warning labels provide information to consumers that… Read more

How can sharing the road while on a motorcycle endanger you?

No matter what kind of road you travel on, you should stay aware of the ways that other vehicles around you can crowd your space and leave you struggling to stay upright while riding on your motorcycle. Being on the road with a variety of… Read more

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