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Monthly Archives: February 2019

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Third-party liability in construction site accident injuries

Construction sites are inherently dangerous locations. Most construction workers employed in California understand these dangers and take steps to protect themselves. However, as we all know, mishaps can occur anyway, leaving workers suffering from construction site accident injuries. You probably know that federal programs allow… Read more

Veterans sue over defective combat earplugs

Hundreds of U.S. veterans are suing over earplugs they claim 3M sold to the military despite knowing they were defective. The lawsuits state that the earplug design was defective, causing the plugs to come loose and allow dangerously loud sounds to damage the wearer’s hearing.… Read more

How dangerous are accidents resulting in slip and falls?

Any accident can be dangerous, but those involving slip and falls are sometimes more dangerous than you might think. In most cases, these accidents are more embarrassing than they are harmful, but victims would still be wise to get a medical opinion. Doing so can… Read more

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