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Monthly Archives: May 2021

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What are common signs of a spinal cord injury?

A slip and fall in a store can leave you feeling sore for weeks afterward. Your spine and back may prevent you from doing daily chores or even driving. A spinal cord injury is a serious health concern, and knowing the symptoms can help you… Read more

Who is responsible for injuries in a hotel pool?

The use of any swimming pool comes with inherent risks. However, property owners must comply with the requirements of California law to keep their property free of dangerous conditions. A person who suffers an injury in a hotel pool may receive compensation if the property… Read more

Defective combat earplugs lead to a $6.3 million jury award

A federal jury found an American manufacturer of combat earplugs liable for hearing loss caused by its defective product. Three veterans filed a lawsuit claiming that the manufacturer knew of the design flaw and the company covered it up before supplying the earplugs to the… Read more

Did a homeowner owe you a duty of care?

If you sustain an injury at a person’s home, you may wonder if you can sue said person for compensation. The answer really depends on the type of visitor you were and whether the homeowner owed you a duty of care. According to FindLaw, visitors… Read more

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