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Monthly Archives: April 2020

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Navigating changes in relationships with a TBI

Victims of a traumatic brain injury in California may experience side effects in multiple areas of their life including their career, physical activity, lifestyle and relationships. People who have a TBI may notice changes in their relationships including the roles that each contributor takes. Understanding… Read more

What to do after a dog bite

One moment, a cute canine seems playful and happy. The next moment, the dog attacks, leaving you with serious injuries. The steps you take following a dog bite are crucial for several reasons. Major medical, legal and financial consequences can follow an attack. Your first steps… Read more

Breaking down the Glasgow Coma Scale

Anytime you have a loved one that suffers through a serious accident in Pasadena, you are no doubt grateful for the fact that they survive. That gratitude might be slightly tempered, however, if you learn that they have sustained a traumatic brain injury. Many in… Read more

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