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What dangers exist while shopping sales at big box stores?

The winter holiday season is slowly winding down. While the thought of heading out to the mall or a big box store to go shopping is likely the last thing on your mind right now, it will soon be Valentine’s Day and then Easter. Countless consumers will head out to the stores en masse once again to buy supplies to commemorate these holidays. 11 individuals lost their lives on Black Friday in 2016 just over shopping. We can all stand to take note of why these incidents happened so that we don’t get hurt while shopping in the new year.

Big box retailers have become smarter about how to manage the crowds that pour into their stores during sales and the holidays.

Many of the stores have begun staggering their promotions so that it doesn’t result in a bottleneck whereby all consumers try to rush into the store at once.

Other retail establishments have begun offering many of the same or better deals online than they offer in-store. This has made it where consumers don’t all feel the need to congregate at stores. This had made managing crowds a much easier fete.

Retailers have also begun hiring their on-site security or both on- and off-duty police personnel to be present during busy business hours. Their presence alone has kept otherwise unruly customers’ behaviors in check. They often keep paramedics within earshot as well.

The highest number of retail injuries to happen on Black Friday occurred in 2011. That year, some 45 people either were injured or lost their lives while attempting to shop at big-box retailers. There was a combined seven people either hurt or killed at a retail store such as this last year. Many of those incidents happened right here in California.

There are many different types of injuries that individuals face during non-holiday times at big box stores. It’s not uncommon for customers to be struck by falling objects or to slip and fall on wet or cluttered floors. It’s during big sales that consumers may be trampled, assaulted or subjected to another type of serious harm. If you’ve been hurt this holiday season here in Los Angeles, then a big box retail outlet injuries attorney can guide as to what steps you may want to take next in your case.

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