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Nanotechnology in the construction industry

Nanotechnology has a growing presence in many industries. This includes construction. There are a range of new construction materials that contain such technology.

Recently, the Center for Construction Research and Training conducted a survey of over 250 unionized construction workers here in California. Around 44 percent of the polled workers reported that they have worked with or recognize the names of materials that are on a list of nano-enabled products.

However, while the use of nanotechnology in construction is growing, it appears that awareness of this technology is still low. In the survey, only about one in four of the workers polled reported being aware of nanoparticle and nanotechnology use in construction materials. And only 2 percent of workers said they had received training on nanomaterials.

While new trends in construction materials can bring about benefits, they can also have the potential to raise new concerns. This can include safety concerns. This is why awareness of new technologies being used in construction can be such an important thing for workers. High awareness can better equip workers to face concerns raised by such technologies.

What steps would you like to see taken to increase nanotechnology awareness in construction?

As nanomaterial use continues to grow, it will be worth keeping an eye on what concerns regarding such materials arise and what is done to address such concerns.

It is critical for the makers of construction materials that use new technologies to take proper steps to ensure the products are safe for workers and free of dangerous defects. Defects in construction products could expose workers to major injuries. When construction workers are harmed by defective products, product liability lawsuits may be an available route for workers to pursue relief.

If you or a loved one was injured in a construction site accident schedule an appointment with our team to learn more about your legal recourse options. Under our contingency fee arrangement, you pay nothing unless we recover for you.

Call 800-622-7637 (800-6BARNES) today or send our office an email. Free consultations. Se habla Español.

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